Jan 16-18, 2015
On behalf of our UPI Village Community, wish you and your families the very best of Love, Peace and Happiness for the New Year 2015.
UPI started the New year by conducting a 3-day Orientation session, in honor of President Obama’s call for communities to support his initiative entitled ‘My Brother’s Keeper’. The purpose of this orientation is to introduce twenty-five (25) community members consisting of students, teachers, parents, former professional athletes, business owners, non-profit organizers and retirees to the Training Curriculum & Program of Unified Progress International. Those who successfully complete the 3-day session will receive a handsome UPI Facilitator Trainer certificate; which will allow them to administer the UPI Life Skills Solutions(TM) training program to both male and female youth under the auspices of UPI’s management team.
As homage to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday and state Holiday, on Sunday, January 18th UPI and our Co-sponsors featured actor, director and Behavioral Health practitioner Rod Ambrose, presenting excerpts from two of Dr. King’s greatest speeches; “I Have A Dream”and “I’ve Been To The Mountain Top”.
See the attachment for more information. UPI Facilitator Training and MLK Program Flyer
If you are interested in becoming a UPI Facilitator, you may register your interest via our contact page.
Visit our Facebook page for updates and details on our work with developing youth, teens and families to become stronger, wiser and more prosperous!
We function through committed volunteers, via grants and donations, which support program and administrative cost. YOUR donation will help UPI make a difference. Please contribute by donating here.